Thursday, 31 January 2013

GTA and Violent Games

Quick! I don't have much time!

News has just broke (which then broke Twitter) regarding a release date for Grand Theft Auto V. All the POS that stated Spring were obviously based on a dream that they could get the game finished and out before the Summer. Sadly, this won't be the case, and further more could have a knock on effect with the next generation consoles which are likely to be announced at/just before E3 2013.

The full post, including Rockstar's official statement can be found here.

Another quick link to show you is this one. EA boss-man John Riccitiello has defended videogames in light of further comments from US Senators regarding violent games and the effect they have on children/adults. Sadly, as much as I'd like to blog further on this issue today I don't have the time (currently filming). However I did blog about this subject a few months ago, of which you can read here.

Defending violent games and a GTA V release date on the same day? Coincidence?

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Goodbye THQ

Sadly, the once-popular publisher THQ is no more.

As the events unfolded over on Twitter I started typing away. After some tweaks and rumour confirmation I was able to publish this post on Blast Process.

Although it'll be some time before deals are fully done, especially when it comes to IPs/licenses that are still in the balance (such as the WWE franchise and Darksiders).

The news was slightly counter-balanced by Nintendo announcing that Zelda: Wind Waker is to be fully remastered for the Wii U to provide Nintendo fans with a slice of Link before a brand new Wii U Zelda game. The Zelda news (including a trailer) can also be seen on the post linked above.

Monday, 21 January 2013

LEGO and Pokemon

2013 is well and truly rolling!

As always I've got a few projects on going, however I have posted a couple of short news pieces. The first relating to NVIDIA's Project Shield, a new portable console while the second featured information on LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and Pokemon X/Y.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

Well, we survived the apocalypse. The Mayans, for now, have been defeated!

And so here we are in 2013. Did you all have an excellent Christmas and New Year? I sure did!

Last year was challenging for various reasons, but it's time to move forward. I've got more exciting projects upcoming this year, some of which I'm working towards right now.

I have just completed my first little piece of 2013 over on Blast Process, my Top 4 Games of 2012 (yeah, 4...couldn't decide on a 5th). Head over to the article via this link to see which games made the cut.