Monday, 22 October 2012

Blast Process: Videogame Reviews: Your Comments Needed!

Blast Process: Videogame Reviews: Your Comments Needed!: Do you still read videogame reviews? I'm writing a piece regarding reviews of games. Do they still have the power to make you go out and m...

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Eurogamer Overload!

Wow, that was a lot of fun!

Even though a week or so has passed since heading down to the capital for 2 full days of gaming at the Eurogamer Expo we've still got lots of content over at to hit the internet.

Below is a little bit of a recap for the time being of content we have online at the moment:

First of all I wrote up a piece talking about the titles I managed to play during Day One, which you can find here. I'll hopefully be revisiting some of those titles in the coming few weeks. The write up for Day Two will be online in the next couple of days.

We managed to grab a few quick interviews with various people during the show. At the time of writing we have the following online now to watch:

Derrick (SEGA PR: The Cave)
Chris Wynn (Producer: Gears of War Judgment)
Simon Watts (Creative Director: Company of Heroes 2)
Sam Deans (Turtlebeach)

And finally (well, for the time being) here is a video of me interviewing Jason Wright from Silent Studios. Nice guy, shame about the not so nice zombies who follow him around. Keep watching until the end and you'll see why I'm lucky to have made it home alive!