Monday, 22 February 2010

[Announcement] Blast Off!!

That venture I mentioned in the previous post? It's gone live!!

Blast Process is a new blog written and created by Michael Davies, Tom Parry and myself. We're going to be looking back at old retro titles, remakes of retro titles on Xbox Live/Playstation Store/WiiWare as well as current generation games.

Since the sites gone live, Tom's taken a peek at the new Sonic 4 after new footage had leaked online while I've done a small preview of the upcoming remake of Perfect Dark. Mike however, has made a mysterious discovery in the site's first video, in an un-boxing video of the new Alien vs Predator Hunter Edition.

Make sure you pop by and check it out!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

[News] Feeling Nostalgic?

I've been lucky enough to join a couple of friends on a new online venture, a blog which will hopefully bring back memories you may have of some old classic titles as well as some more up to date ones!

Think classic videogame reviews, news on upcoming Xbox Live/WiiWare/Playstation Store arcade games...and so much more.

I'll be posting a link in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

[News] Decision, Decisions....

Usually it’s just before Christmas when we struggle to buy, and then play a barrage of new releases. Last year however, many of the games we were expecting to play over the Christmas holidays were delayed until this year. I believe it was something to do with Modern Warfare 2...
So, here we are, nearing the middle of February...and already we've had big releases, Bayonetta, Mass Effect 2 and the recently released Bioshock 2 to name but three. And it only gets busier, with Aliens Vs Predator, Final Fantasy XIII and Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver meaning regardless of what consoles you play or own their shall be something new to purchase and enjoy.